An en caul birth, also known as a “mermaid birth” or “veiled birth”, is when the baby comes out still inside or partially wrapped in the amniotic sac. This happens in only 1 in 80,000 births, making it extremely rare.1 It might look like your newborn is completely gift-wrapped in a soft bubble.
The amniotic sac is made up of two layers of membranes and filled with amniotic fluid which the baby has been floating inside of during the entire pregnancy. Usually when you’re about to go into labor your amniotic sac ruptures – your water breaks. If the water doesn’t break, the baby is born en caul, usually inside the inner layer of membrane or just partially covered.
During birth and right after, baby stays safe, having everything they need inside the amniotic sac, which is then carefully removed by the midwife or doctor. Sometimes a squirming baby, may even break open the amniotic sac on their own. If the sac is already ruptured or only partially covering baby it is easily removed, though more care should be taken if baby is born with the outer membrane still intact.
Midwife Julie Shares the Story of Vera’s En Caul Birth
It was incredible to catch these images right after Vera was born. I loved removing the sac, and unveiling her face. We didn’t know if she was a boy or a girl until she was born. I remember seeing her body inside the sac and it ruptured just enough for me to see her sex as I brought her to my chest. I was shocked and elated to see she was a girl and that it looked as though she was wearing a beautiful cream shawl around her shoulders. This is truly her personality- she is regal in every sense of the word. It made sense to see her veiled crown slide down and rest on her royal shoulders. Vera is an old, wise soul and she looks though every person she meets as if she knows more about them then they do themselves.
– Julie Oates, MSN, CNM
Magical and Spiritual Abilities?
Throughout history, en caul births have been attributed with fame and fortune, even magical and spiritual abilities. In many parts of Europe, the amniotic sac, or “caul” itself held such special fortune, that it was often sold as a token of good luck and protection.2 It was provided to lawyers, needing good fortune in pleading their cases and even as an ingredient in love potions. In Old Nordic beliefs a child born en caul was said to have the special ability to navigate between many worlds and see into the future. As early as the 16th century, some physicians, finding a simple biological explanation, began to scorn any superstitious beliefs associated with en caul births.3
Whether you believe in the magical associations of an en caul birth or not, it is a beautiful thing to behold, so if your little one is born inside a water balloon, consider yourself extra fortunate! They are so rare that most midwives never witness an en caul birth in their entire careers.
Kathy conley says
My mother was born en caul in 1944. She has insight to future. I have been told by my mom of things she had felt was gonna happen an indeed it did.FYI
Kathy Reed Conley
Kim Gray says
I too was born en caul in 1962. I also told my family members things that happened as well.
Ellie Morgan says
I was born in a mermaid’s purse in 1991 🙂 🧜♀️ Still waiting for my magic powers, but I love this fun fact about my life! It’s so interesting seeing the other comments on here from other en caul babies
Vicki Stearman says
My daughter Tamara was born en caul in 1991.
Cindy says
My daughter was born en caul and then her son was also and both births happened right around midnight.
jametta R davis says
I was born this way as well. I also was breech birth. My mom said it was a very hard labor they didn’t think she was going to make it. When they pulled the veil off, I had a big red mark on my forehead. The nurse said that’s called an angel kiss. So I was kissed by an angel, breech birth, and still in my placenta. Born in 1958
Stania says
Lmboo I was born with it to a 1994 and I’m still waiting for mine’s also. It is good to find out this interesting fact about us.
Nile says
Great rising, my name is Nile and I feel a strong energy in you all of my contact info is on the website. I don’t know where you live but would like to give you a past life hypnosis session. There is a lot I’m being told for you to know about yourself.
Gloria Mcclendon says
January 29, 2022 at 4:11pm I was born on 10/10/1951 en caul full ba, I can tell things before they happen. And I can see the dead people
Hafsa says
Are mermaids real.
Sherman Vaughn says
I was born with a call in 1964 you know I see things before they happen I can see in the future I also see things that I can’t explain what it look like to others it’s a gift a gift from God.
Kim says
I know when I was younger about 4,and 5 my mom was in kitchen and she told me to seat in living room while she clean up kitchen do then I seen this Man in kitchen but wasn’t human being they had a tall hat that round it was like four inches in height I start to sceam and I put my blanket over my head my mom goes come here I was scamming she said Kim there no one here then I ran upstairs and jumped in bed with my sister sceaming she was laughing at me
Kathryn says
I was born in 1983 en caul and I have insight into the future and have dreams that later become real life events. My sense if deja vu is intense, as is my feelings of other people’s energy. Sometimes it is too much to even handle and after being with people I often find myself exhausted
Bonnie Robillard says
In 1943 I was born with a veil over my face, I have always been a very spiritual person.
Filipo says
I was also born with en caul, I dreams come through and at times God show me things before they happened
Denise says
I was born October 6, 1969.
I was born en caul. My mother did not want me. She was so young. My grandmother made her keep me. She said I was protected by the veil. I have had a few visions that come to light. Before my 16 birthday I had dreams my mother was going to die. She did 2 months later. I forgive her and I forgive myself. Spent decades blaming myself. I pray to her often.
Anthony Collins says
Why would you pray to your mom. We are to pray to God only
Your mother has no.power in death
Dayna M Dozier says
I was born in 1958, with the en caul across my face also. My Mother called it a veil! I have always felt blessed of God!
Denise says
Me too. Blessed beyond measure.
M Miller says
I wish this was info on birth certificates. Is like to know, as my mother passed before is ever heard of this. I’ve had a couple of premonition dreams.
David Forney says
I am a 83 year old man and lived with an en caul person,my father till he died at age 47. i was 21 at the time.what a amazing man! he would not profit by his gift although many tried to temp him. he liked everyone but favored the poor. people followed him around and liked being near him. To my knowledge he never read a book but could tell you about any saint that lived. He turned catholic to marry my mother and raised 8 children he had an aura about him that I could talk about forever! On his happy death bed he had frequent visits from saints that were waiting for him. I feel so special to have had several years with a person so loved by God.
Tyra says
I love this ❤️
Kathy says
What a beautiful memory, thank you for sharing.
Kitkat says
This is absolutely beautiful. God is great!
Kathy says
This story about your father is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It brought me tears of joy! You are blessed to have had this wonderful relationship with your father.
Happy Easter
Jaime Cluxton says
My granddaughter was born en caul January 27th 2021 and also shows how special she is.
Jamillah Monroe says
My mother told me before her passing I was born with a Veil July 3, 1976. I was 40 years old when I found this out. Pregnant with my daughter was a Miracle due to I have only one fallopian tube. She was born with a tooth,I’m very spiritual and have intuition about things that will happen before it happens.
Clair Wenger says
My Mother was born en caul in 1946. Her Mother was a local unspoken healer. Although my Mother did not speak of connecting with other worlds and seemed very much grounded in one reality, I most definitely do.
Emma says
My daughter is now 5 years old and was born In water pool en caul, what’s so strange to me is the midwife who had been a midwife for years who I’d never met TIL in labour, in convo had told me about en caul births n said she in her career had never seen or new of anyone in her medical career that had experienced it. I wasn’t interested in what anyone’s convo was around me to be honest as I was in pain and determined to have this second birth with no relief . To her astonishment was that experience and over joyed, for me I was just happy to get to the end of a painful n exhausting time, reading up on the stats later on is wow, she’s amazing like any other child is and I’ll always have a story to tel my future grandchildren x
Gabrielle Hoog says
Wow! The same with me. We joked about it just a few minutes before she was born. And when she came out even the midwifes were taken back. I remember about a 10, 20 second moment after she was born and everyone went quiet. I was wondering what was going on. Then the midwife shouted, she is full en caul! My other half nearly fainted. Thought something had gone wrong! I didn’t get to see it though as the student midwife ripped it open to deliver baby safely. But my little girl is one. And if she gets ill she gets the symptoms that 1 in 40000 will get. I swear she’s gonna beat the odds someday and be Great!
Darlene says
So was I born with a caul and told that children born with this was special I sometimes wondered. I saw my first two death before I was 7 years old. A man with his family a brother and sister and their significant others, his wife who was sitting directly behind him. Unfortunately he couldn’t be saved it was his time to go. also a woman sitting in the front of her car I can still see her other 3 children in the back seat and her holding the baby that had died 3 days before. They had been there for hours and no one could get the baby he was beautiful but he was bruised black and blue. My mom after the last death begged me to stay in the car but I told her I can’t someone needs me and once again i got out I ask her if she was ok she said yes and I ask can I see the baby and she said yes again, I told her he was beautiful and that she had to take care of the others now. I ask her may I give the baby to the sheriff it’s so funny once again my dad stood next to him. This heart broken lady she said yes I guess by then she had given up all hope Im not sure, but I did ask her if she wished to kiss him good by and she did I said you will see him soon ok. she told me thank you I still don’t know why but I do hope she was at peace about it. You know through life we born this way see things sometimes we don’t want to we can recall place we have been. It’s so funny I can remember all the way back to the age of 18 mos my great aunt said. I told her what we did and were we were and how much I love the Tea set she made it scared her. I’ve always known or could feel death around me and with our family I told my mom about her dad and I was 8 states away, we always had visitors that seem to drop by. They would ask if I was there or if I had talked to mon or dad but I did notice that it tapered off after I was 21 which in a way helped but those that are still close tug at my heart even if there is little that I can do. I don’t tell anyone anything except my Niece now we have always been close and we both have always known when things were not right.
Sharissa says
How is she doing now
Therese says
I also remember looking at my husbands face and everyone was quiet when my son was born. I thought something was wrong. He too was born with a veil
Joseph says
I was born in 1962 with a veil but also have found various objects show the world I am a soldier was a soldier also an explorer I just think differently than most people but no different than any
Kay Britton says
My father was born in 1929. I was told all my life he was born with what the called a veil over his face. When I was a little girl, people, neighbors, etc.. would have an Ill child and would sometimes travel for miles in search of my father. I’ve watched him puff a cigar or cigarette and hold the smoke in then exhale it into the sick child’s mouth till the child inhaled the smoke from my father. I was told he was gifted with a healing because of the veil. My youngest brother was also born with a veil over his face. I would sometimes see my father, instead of himself, he would let my baby brother do the same above practice. I guess he was showing my brother that he also was gifted.
This site has brought back a lot of really old memories.
Michael Dorsey says
I was born with a veil over my face.
Anthony Collins says
Why would you pray to your mom. We are to pray to God only
Your mother has no.power in death
Wendy Vermette says
My mom told me that both of her grandmothers were born en caul. She said that they had their faces veiled and when the veils were removed they were lifted up and not torn down, and yes they had the ability to see things into the future.
MarthaAnn says
My precious mother miscarriage at 5 months and 4 months later a shocking surprise I was born wearing a beautiful veil that my twin left for me to survive my jouney into this world
Nancy says
1st great daughter recently born “en caul”. Had never heard term b/4. Looked up and read about. Most interesting! And fascinating! Nothing but good.
Doris says
I was told that, l was born with veil all over my body .lt it a good thing or bad please l need to know, ls giving me sleepless night since l knows about it.
Avalon says
Please don’t worry. I was born en caul and feel special. We are just different and that’s good. Many of us are gifted in different ways. I have talent in art and healing.
Leisl Smith says
I too was born en caul in October of 1973. I used to be able to see in the Spirit but got scared from an experience which drove me to ask Almighty God to please take that gift away but instead, the ability was transformed into clearscience…I am also an artist with natural healing abilities
Anthony Collins says
Can you really heal, if so I need your help
LG says
My Grandmother was born with the veil over her. I believe it does give some insite into the future. For me being her Grandson, & My Father being a her son. What seems to come to both of us is the prediction of death of family members just a few days before. Sometime followed by a dream, but not always. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse. Just my experience and opinion.
Bea Potts says
Born 1956
I was nearly a BBA
( baby born in ambulance –
even now I still don’t like to wait around
& I was born with a caul over my face,
I was told that if it was given to a sailor he’d never drown ( true or false I don’t know)
Terry says
My 3rd son was born in 2021 in full bubble. Easiest birth of all of them. Just found out today how rare it was. I do remember the nurses and Dr saying they had never seen that before
Darlene says
Don’t lose sleep it is a good thing sometimes us born feel that it can be either but don’t lose sleep. When you were a child you probably felt out of place had few close friends and was close to family. you will be fine.
Priscilla says
Don’t you lose any more sleep, this is a gift from God, nothing but good will come out of this, and you as a mother of this wonderful beautiful child learn everything you can to understand and teach this child what a beautiful soul and just how special this amazing baby is.. God bless you and your sweet baby.
Christina Dooley says
My son was born in december or 2014 in the amniotic sac
Gemma Flynn says
My son was born in his sac june 2014 as well I was so shocked
D. Jones says
My 7 year old daughter was born with the caul. She is tough as nails, strong willed, and has many amazing qualities. I explained to her that she is very special being born with a veil. I would not be surprised if she has certain abilities my other children may not have.
Jacob berger says
I was born in the sack in Hackensack meridian health ocean medical center in brick New Jersey on 12/30/98
Kitty says
I to as born with a veil 9June 1965.I do get messages for the future. I can see people that already passed on. I get messages if someone is going to die. But I don’t know who. SO many times I say things to people and I don’t no why. Then they will come back to me and, say. That the thing came true what I have, said to them.
Cathy says
I am was born with the helmet as they said back then, my mom had no idea what that meant and freaked out when they showed me to her. She has been freakout with me since then hahaha. Yes I have the ability to see the unseen and I received my calling to serve when I was only 24yrs old.
Kristin Fowler says
Cathy, my name is Kristin and I was born on Easter Sunday with a veil that lasted for 3 days. I started reading my mother’s romance novels at the age of 3 out of sheer boredom. I’ve always made good grades in school without studying and I was put into gifted classes. I can see the unseen as well and I make predictions accurately, sometimes by just joking around. Do you know of anyone that I can speak to about my gifts that might be able to help me deal with this. I’m becoming more and more introverted and I feel like I’m losing myself since I lost my husband and brother 19!months apart. Both were only 35 years old. Any direction that you can lead me in would be greatly appreciated. You know what it’s like to be the outsider- I never really fit in and I don’t want people to think that I am weird. Please help me. I want to know what to do. When will my calling be?
Jenni says
Hi Kristen,
Firstly I’m so sad to hear of your losses. 😔 It is always hard for the ones remaining on this plane (though it’s bliss for those who transcend it). I wish for your husband and brother to travel well.✨
I was born with the amniotic sac fully intact and like many of us here am “different”, intuitive and interact with various frequencies of consciousness most people don’t know exist. What yo are seeking will actually FIND YOU. Do some searches online, sure-it will help to open your energy channels and create space for you to connect with some answers, but ultimately you will be led by the energetic attraction of what you seek to its location. You and that which you seek are one, you just need to match frequencies. If this doesn’t make sense or resonate with you, I’d start looking for things like “fine-tuning intuition”. There are endless books, YouTube videos and resources. (Just start googling.) I would just lovingly caution you to be wary of most “spiritual practitioners” offering their services. There are a lot of predators and bullshitters pretending to have “gifts”. They don’t need credentials to be spiritualists so often use this to their advantage.
Anyway, I hope this is helpful. Wishing you peace and comfort on your path. 💗
Mandy Martin says
Perfectly said I was born with a veil too in 1977 and I see spirits good and bad I see things in people by just shaking hands I’ve seen deaths before they happen around many family members and friends I usually have a taste of blood in my mouth when someone close to me is going to die I had to learn my gift the hard way
Dalene says
Jenni, Also remember us that are born this was yes we all have talent some don’t mind them and bless their hearts some do. It is definitely nothing to be afraid of but just for record if you have been born with a veil or caul you will never be able to have your future read or will you be able to stand near one that can truly do it we block their ability. if they read yours then 9 out of 10 they truly can’t read for sure we born this way know our future by the time we are 21 but if we are super lucky few know it by 18.
Leisl Smith says
I too was born en caul in October of 1973. I used to be able to see in the Spirit but got scared from an experience which drove me to ask Almighty God to please take that gift away but instead, the ability was transformed into clearscience…I am also an artist with natural healing abilities. Thank you so very much for your guidance!
Clair Wenger says
Hi Kristin
Oracle Girl could be helpful for you. It’s
it’s about your own ability to self heal and connect with the purity of yourself, without any external influences.
Laura says
Get a puppy it helped me to deal with mine.
Soso says
I was born with a sac covering my whole body I maturing 17 now some weird things happened to me before but I moved past them strangers open up to me about thier life problems etc it can sometimes be overwhelming when I feel others energies but I love helping people
May the person reading this have an amazing day
Lisa says
Truly amazing information. I had never heard of them until watching Call the Midwife. Also found out that some shark eggs are also called mermaids purse. I, like you, often have people open up to me and love helping people. Hope you have a wonderful day as well. 🙂
Ashley says
Calling to serve? )I am a mermaid- caul bearer)
Payton says
I was born in the ocean with a mermaid mom I have my powers and my little sister
Ros says
I was born en caul my father told me that he had to rip the sac to get me out and also he said the sac was polka dot in colour .I was born at one of the small islands in the Philippines.I believe about what they say about our capabilities of reading people and predicting the future.I am strong-willed and also extremely lucky .
May says
Me also I was born with the caul on the face and don’t know why I can’t understand in 2014 of April that was Sunday morning before 5am I woke up I see the Bible of my roommate that’s the first time I read the Bible I was born Catholic I never read bible as we don’t have bible also so I feel amuse while reading it so I wake her up I asked her we go to church and she said yes so we both go to Sacred Cathedral in Suva Fiji coz we used to work there before while going up on the stairs I don’t know why but I feel something different cuz of my goosebumps and when I wash my hands I closed my eyes and talk to the Lord I am here Lord suddenly I see green sword it’s like a light I don’t understand why I see that green sword since then started I see alot of visions including Jesus riding the white horse in a darkness and I see him like a light it’s very difficult to understand why I see visions like that and most of the times now like I feel I have second sight coz I’ve been seeing things that is going to happened like my great grandma before she died I saw the grave and we are having feast then I saw my great grandmother she was hugging me so tight that was early morning around before 5am last Thursday I woke up and prayed then after lunch I get to talked my grandmother over the phone I told her that she can rest now I know she’s tired and feeling weak already and I asked her to accept Jesus Christ to be her Saviour before she left on this earth and she heard me then after that after 3hours my uncle called me up and told me that my grandmother passed away already and I have the feeling that she’s the one kept my veil because she lived for so long she is 105 years old to live long like that is very blessed and lucky.
Lana says
My mom was born with a veil in August 1914 in Oklahoma on American Indian Reservation land. There was a flood, bridge washed away, no Dr could get there so my grandfather delivered his daughter. His wife told him how to remove the veil. It was just on her face & attached like a mask. He cut it & buried it as my grandmother instructed him.
My mom started seeing visions @ age 3(or that’s when she started telling her mom about the” beautiful lady with a baby” who came to her when she was playing outside. Then she came without the baby & was crying. Her mom asked what the lady looked like. The lady was my grandfather’s sister who does during childbirth.
Mom saw many visions & signs. It was always a warning to her so she would not be so shocked when people got hurt or died. But she saw the event in detail before it ever happened. She could not “see things in purpose” just what God wanted her to see. She was a very beloved person to all who knew her & lived 102 years & 5 months.
It used to scare me to think about it but when I realized it was a God given gift to use for good & not evil I was very proud that my mom was chosen! Don’t fear the gift just let God use you to help & comfort people. Don’t ever try to see future events to help people profit with money or romance. Just accept what God shows you & you will figure out what to do or say if needed. Some people won’t tell of things to come if it is just sad or misery, unless it can be warned to keep it from happening. Mom used to try to keep people from travelling if she say an accident. My friend didn’t believe her & went anyway. Had a car accident but not hurt bad.
Pauline says
I was born en caul completely en cased and I can say my personal revelations and impressions have saved my life on countless occasions. God does not make mistakes. He designed us to stand out and each our own set of claire senses (spiritual abilities) and talents.
November 19, 1992 born in American Samoa
Jeanne says
I was born with a vail, and have seen the future many times. I have been blessed with many talents , and I feel spiritual. My Father’s relatives from the Ozarks felt I was a healer, fortune teller, etc. I’m 89 yrs old now and have never tried to develope any of these so called talents
Kehllan says
My whole body was born en caul. I feel special, different in a good way, and really quite lucky. I have never seen the future – at least I don’t consciously remember doing so but I do have a strong feeling of deja vu at least once every 4 days at random times, about the randomest things.
Julia A Jernigan says
Your story is similar to mine, like I’ve lived this before. I don’t know where v these feelings come from.
Alissa says
I gave birth to my son in my home unexpectedly. My sister suddenly became the midwife who witness my son being born still in the sac. She did not know what she was looking at! She’s like, this ain’t no baby what is that???!! 🤣 she had to pry him out with her bare finger nails she has just cut the night before..
Well, he was a special and loving baby but he suffered from getting several ear infections, fevers, a rare skin outbreak, eczema, had his tonsils and adenoids removed at 3 yo. Now almost 8 years later, he has adhd, anxiety , and can’t stop eating. 😩
After reading this article, I hope that his “special ability” appears soon! Lol
Ali Arista says
I hope he finds wellnes~ Have you looked into his past? I believed they’re called Akashic Records, although I’m new to learning about these things. Perhaps Cell Memory has something to do with his ailments, if you are looking at it from a past life perspective. 💗
From a natural physiological perspective, it sounds like his body is lacking in some of the vital essentials the body needs to build and repair dna errors resulting in his maladies. I have a chronic illness and after a decade+ of “the slowest living death, ever.” Ha. A physical therapist told me about a nucleotide food supplement with essential amino acids, peptides and proteins to help my damaged body rebuild itself and work out the illness over time. One year into it and incredibly improved. Looking forward to continuing on my path of recovery.
sophie elena says
So pleased you’re recovering ♥️
M interested to know what the products you are taking are called please? Thank you xx
I too was apparently an en caul baby. I’ve always seen and fully communicated with spirit since as long as I’m aware of being alive, and been a channel for healing energies since childhood, then full trance after a death experience aged 19.
At 19 I died following a 70mph RTC I had a premonition of just shortly before, but others didn’t believe me or allow me to travel in a different vehicle; only I was severely injured, after a wonderful death experience and choosing to return into a right-side paralysed body, which lasted for 34 years, and now walking after taking 13yrs to re-learn, and train in alternative and complementary therapies that had been helping me recover, so I could help others, as I was told by the NHS that I never would walk again due to my injuries.
In 1999 I had stage iv breast cancer, a result of much internal anger from previous abusive and bullying/coercive control and lies/deceit since childhood incl re who my birth parents were, amf which I’ve since started to discover the truth. I was left with a sense of the truth, but not full details, after coming round from a long psychic surgery trance healing session in which the cancerous tumours were fully etherically and energetically removed (as proved by subsequent NHS scan – supposed to be a pre-NHS surgery scan, but Christmas had fallen in between the first scan which gave me a 3month fatal prognosis, after my Gp constantly refused to refer me, always blaming my existing spinal, gynae, neuropathy, PTSD and internal crush injuries from the RTC as being the cause of any new pain, until a fellow medium confirmed my feelings that the issue was breast tumours not ‘cysts’ or ‘lumpy breasts’ as my Gp suggested, and I was blessed to have a locum stand in for my Gp at the next appointment I arranged, and she quickly referred me to hospital for a scan.
I fully treated the breast cancer through the one trance psychic surgery session, and then supportive aromatherapy, reflexology, herbalism, cranial-sacral osteopathy, naturopathy including dietary change and very high dose vit C, followed by tai chi and regular swimming, yoga and cycling, eventually some running to regain strength and mobility; journaling/meditation/writing poetry and teaching/performing creative writing and poetry helped deal with the abusive emotional legacy that had caused both the negative energies of the RTC and breast cancer to present as they had within my physical body, and were a continuation of inherited ancestral experiences and completely within my dna, and an opportunity my soul had chosen through this incarnation to end/heal/transmute and rid.
I am very grateful for continued spiritual healing which has lovingly and gently assisted this process of renewal.
I welcome my new earthly life, which is currently arising; I feel the new direction and energy, and am happy to surrender to all manifestation in absolute loving ease, rather than the previous need to fight and be angry when situations were not aligning more deeply with my energy, but appeared on the surface to be as I desired and fitted with.
Such contradiction has taken time for me to understand the energetic imprint, and now I do, I am quick to extricate or not join to begin with.
I have finally let go of the unhealthy, Co-dependent, victim-rescuer-persecutor drama and dynamics so many people seem unaware they are part of and continuing.
I am so blessed to have a spirit and soul so eternally and graciously, infinitely free.
All abundance and unconditional love and happiness to all reading this xx namaste, God and all Angels’ blessings.
Gabi Lingard says
I was born en caul. Definitely relate to not being able to drown and being psychic. I feel when things are going to happen- death, change, happiness. And the Nordic belief of drifting between worlds. That has happened too. It hurts to feel this much. I also remember spirits talking to me and telling me what I came to do in this world. Indigo child, INFJ, green eyes & an old soul 🤍 wouldn’t have it any other way! Sending love to my fellow en caul babies, would be blessed to meet another in my lifetime.
Katt says
Hi Gabi! I was born with a caul …old soul … green eyes and INFJ ! Hello !!
Andrew Nunez says
En caul and naturally birthed here. Those special abilities are the ones you have mentioned at their most basic challenge levels. Once he learns to “channel” these “issues”, greater realizations and strengths will take their place.
Zaheer Abbas says
I was born with a veil. And I find myself very wise and I’m good at reading people, reading eyes, reading gestures and accents. I feel special all the time. I can’t talk to anyone except who has high intelligence and who talk intellectual. I feel allergic to Stupid people. I always feel curious about other worlds, Galaxies, skies and I like to know more and more about it.
Kathy says
You sound like a really horrible, judgmental person and certainly not special in a good way. Anyone who says that they can’t talk to people except those with high intelligence or feel that they are allergic to stupid people, seems to be the one with low intelligence and very stupid. I hope that you find some compassion and love in your life because you certainly need it.
Erma says
Do you feel drawn to special people, like those with autism?
Sharla says
How are people able to keep the Caul indefinitely? Doesn’t it deteriorate or rot like skin tissue would?
makayla says
i don’t know
Kathy says
It can very possibly be dried and kept that way.
Lisa eggett says
I am 50 born en caul I have sac in a jam jar it looks like a very large crisp apparently when I was born everyone panicked didn’t know what to do with it should of been kept flat .
M Miller says
Sell it to a sailor (it’s called a mermaid veil)
makayla says
wow look at that
Beatrice says
My mother said I was born with a veil/caul over my face. Warned family members and a friend of health issues to come in the future which unfortunately came true. Wished two cigarette smokers in my building to go away. Did not give any details. After wishing for about a month, they died within two weeks of each other. I’ve had very strange and interesting experiences based on coincidence. They are hard explain in a rational way. Have had experiences that I escaped which could make me Lucky.
David Rinaldi says
My daughter delivered an en caul 3 – 9oz boy Easter Sunday in the car on the way to the hospital. He was 9 weeks premature. For such a premature birth and all the potential problems of such an early birth he is doing fabulously. He’ll likely remain in the hospital for 9 weeks but a the rate of his progress he will home much sooner. Staffers are coming from all over the hospital to see the miracle baby and meet the parents.
Brenda says
My daughter was born at 25 weeks and she was a nicu baby also born in the sac. She is still in the hospital but ever since she came nothing but good luck has been coming to our family, our family has grown so much stronger even though I feel like we see each other less because of our baby, I’ve never had more money and I’m not working now, all of our friends are sending random gifts always . But she has a round, red , hemangioma right where a third eye would be. She is also a cancer rising sign which they say is damn near psychic.
Patricia says
I was born with a full boxy veil. My mother said the doctor had to cut it off of me. I found my neive who had left 6 years ago. I “saw”her in a hospital in a.certain hospital. I called and she was being taken into surgery. She was reunited with our family. Mainly i see things related to my mother. But have had instances of seeing people around me. I can smell cancer. I can smell many things. I can feel emotions. I know when people are lying. I have high IQ. I am psychic and empath. I do readings for others. I can feel danger. I dont know how, but i can.
Patricia says
And evidently i cant seem to spell tonight. Lol
sophie elena says
Awwh, bless you, lol xx
Susan Cash says
Please don’t sell your gift. God gave it to you for a reason. To bless others and be blessed . It’s ok to use it just don’t abuse it. Prayers for you and thankful God made people like you . My grandmother’s born with a veil over her face ad she had many gifts but never used it for gain.
MHT says
My mom has always told me I was born with a veil over my face. Iv never really thought about it. But then I decided to do alittle research myself. But as I can see I’m not so different after all.
Shari says
Hi, I was born with a veil on March 4, 1967. I see ghosts, I can predict things. I have been very lucky, been a very serious motorcycle accident. I should have died. I feel very alone as well as the other caul babies mention. I am a very good doused, I just read recently that is one of our traits.
Shari Ile
sophie elena says
Hi, I was supposedly born on 5 jan 1967, though, am currently learning more about my birth and birth parents (deceased) and it appears I was most likely born in 1966. I was apparently born en caul.
You mention a motorcycle incident in which you most likely would have been expected to die, same happened to my first husband, in which he slid under a lorry off his motorbike on the brow of a hill, with a pillion passenger apparently completely unhurt in the collision, and lived after with only a missing knee and missing bones in his lower leg, and different-looking/functioning foot. His description of the event was limited except for describing being ‘blinded by the sun’ which I later checked meteorologically and wasn’t possible, so now know it was the same bright light as my guardian angel’s wings who withdrew my spirit connection and my soul from my body, at the point of a 70mph RTC impact, when I turned to see what had hit us (I was a rear seat car passenger 14/nov/1986) and my last words were ‘my God, what’s hit us, it felt like a tank’, as the drunk driver’s car continued to crush and push my body into the footwell between the front and rear seats (no seatbelts legally required to be fitted to the rear in those days). I had left my body so had no feeling of pain, same as when I had trance psychic surgery 14 years’ later to cure stage iv breast cancer – I felt the pressure of the incisions etherically and the release of negative tumour energy, but no physical pain.
I copy below my reply to an earlier comment on here, not yet moderated/published, re the RTC and death I experienced, which you may find of interest.
I returned to my crushed body in the car, to console my companion who was very stressed at seeing my dead body, and was fearing he’d be blamed due to an earlier incident which others though was why I was saying I didn’t want to get in the car, when I was sharing that I’d had a premonition/seen a big black cloud over the car and knew I shouldn’t get in.
My death experience was delicious, serene, blissful, warm, beautiful, fully loving and comfortable; I was carried in my guardian angel’s beautiful white light/wings forming a tunnel of loving light to transport my spirit and soul, and I was welcomed/met by two grandparents I had always known and communicated since childhood with in spirit form (one deceased before I was born, one when I was 18months’ old and had apparently met once at 6weeks’ old) and we chatted; I didn’t experience my life flash before me, but I did return to my crushed body and scene of the crash, talk with my companion (who later was so relieved to confirm this as he thought he had gone mad as he knew he’d seen and spoken with me and I’d held his hand and comforted him, but couldn’t reconcile this with him being sitting on the rear car seat and my body dead and crushed in the adjacent footwell, and firefighters cutting off the roof to extricate us) and then returned to spirit, chatted with ArchAngel Michael, who was ready to cut the cord if I chose to remain in spirit and go ‘through the veil’ just beyond my grandparents and AA Michael, behind which I could hear and sense many more spirit loved ones waiting to greet me and party/celebrate my passing, but I chose to return to earth, was resuscitated x3 (during which more adjustments were made to accommodate my new spiritual energy within the damaged paralysed twisted physical body) and I remember all this very clearly. My ability as a trance medium has shown strongly every since that RTC and the subsequent breast cancer psychic surgery xx
Eugene says
Witnessed 1 of my twin boys born in the membrane completely intact, the doctors were so fascinated by this, what a special moment.
Harmony Cournoyer says
I was born en caul also I had to be cut out. I’m a Native American, Ihonktowan Oyate. In our culture only myself and a woman over 100 yrs ago were known to be born en caul. Nobody knows exactly what it is they just know it’s something special. I dream of the future and have other special gifts.
Jen says
Hey, same. Not sioux. Ho-Chunk. Our languages are like cousins. I was born in the sac, like a goldfish. I just heard that babies like us were special. I have always been lucky and what the maxete call intuitive. Its hard knowing some of the things you know. There are days I would rather not know. But everyone’s life is what they make it.
Brigitt says
I was born December 8,1976 with a Veil over my face also…
Roxanne says
I was told when my daughter was born she had three veils on her face…I was not permitted to hold her for 24 hours…they said if they lifted them she would be blind! It was a hard pregnancy I was sick a lot…but she was our miracle baby, we we’re told she most likely would have some kind of handicap! She is healthy…very gifted in art…and also has the ability to look right through someone… she’s very intelligent!!!
Sasha says
My daughter Heidi was born with the veil on March 22nd 2010. My midwife was so ecstatic and said it was considered a blessing and so very rare!! She had never seen it throughout her midwifery years before, and I was her last birthing before changing careers! Such a nostalgic moment!!
It’s so neat to hear everyone’s comments of how it has shaped the beliefs back in time, and actual daily lives of those touched and living with the specialness of this rare event!
-Sasha P
Gail Thompson says
I was born January 1941, in the middle of a snow storm, at my Grandparents home. Where my Grandmother and a neighbour, neither of whom had ever delivered a baby before, did the job. When I “arrived”, they had no idea what was over my face, so an Aunt who was also in attendance ran up the street to the only ph. in the area, to call the Dr. to tell him and what should they do? So back she went and related the info. They removed it and not knowing what to do with it, placed it over the side of the bathtub to dry it off after rinsing it off. My mother had another sister who knew a sailor who was going off to war, said he would pay $1,000.00 for the caul, because if he had it in a pocket the theory was that he would never drown at sea. Unfortunately, they had to scrape it off the tub so it wasn’t in any shape to sell. Not sure I have special powers, I know that I just seem to be able to read a lot of people and get special feelings about things. Also, I seem to be the one looking after everyone in the family when they are are not able to look after themselves anymore. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love them all.
Jyotshna says
I am also an en caul born, I dnt know about seeing the future and all,but I am very intuitive and it’s so wonderful to read about soamy people here born in that way ….
Rosa Muller says
My mother said I was born en caul in a little village in Kiribati – surrounded by three village mid wives – well they had never seen anything like that before and were scared it was a bad omen. My father had to cycle about 30 kms, to the main village to get the ‘dresser’. By the time the dresser arrived one of the women had the courage to break open the sac.
In local culture a baby born this way will never drown (always float on water), have lovely skin and be very beauriful😀
Nosi says
My first child is an En Caul Baby. My mom dried her veil, crushed it into a powder and sprinkled the powder into her bath water and washed her. Now that I know how powerful and blessed veil children are, I wish I should have also washed myself with that water and kept a piece of the veil or powder for my other children. She is very beautiful intelligent, kind, warm, caring, giving and highly spiritual. She is able to predict the future and foresees what is going to happen and what has happened through dreams. Her future predictions always become true. She is loved by everybody and never failed work interviews and is sometimes head-hunted by CEOs for bigger positions. She is amazing and brings many blessings to all of us. I’m proud to have given birth to a magical baby and to be her mom.
Lucy Kate says
My daughter was also born as they say “ still in the sack” I was so shocked because moments when I did deliver her I didn’t hear any crying & that made me so worried until the midwife said she was fine. I just saw a purple/dark alien type thing, until they burst the sack. And here she was..
Denise says
I was born October 6, 1969.
I was born en caul. My mother did not want me. She was so young. My grandmother made her keep me. She said I was protected by the veil. I have had a few visions that come to light. Before my 16 birthday I had dreams my mother was going to die. She did 2 months later. I forgive her and I forgive myself. Spent decades blaming myself. I pray to her often.
Grace Shand says
I just found a letter from my mother to my grandmother. My mother wrote that when anyone clasped my hand that they felt a magnetic touch They felt I was all knowing and they would come back over and over again to hold me. I was born with a veil on a Friday. My doctor didn’t believe in such things but he said he also felt something special.
I wish I knew this a long time ago. I know I have the ability to feel People’s feeling and help them. I have prayed with people and God has healed them.
Once I was in a group of divorced and separated women. The leader was angry with me. She said I could understand everyone’s problem and offer them real help but I couldn’t help myself.
I never realized what a precious gift I have been wasting. Please Lord forgive me and help me to use this gift even I. My old age.
Anonymous says
I don’t know how many will be able to relate this with me that we can induce a negative or positive character to the people who are near us , because of which other bully us even they don’t want to.
Sometimes, I can understand the fights happening around me is because of me. It really fells like that i am cursed and will had to stay alone forever.
Wanda says
In some cultures it is a curse. I kinda feel the same way you do, it hasn’t brought me good luck but it has brought me to understand more about this world and the people in it. I state it like that because I have always felt “alien” in this world. It hasn’t brought me fame and foutune either…. Both parents dead before I was 15 yrs old, a life of misery handed to me from the lifeforms on this planet. The anxiety, depression, and all the other mental illnesses this “caul” has caused me.
Brian says
Wow! I 👀
Shahwaz Saeed says
My son Aqeeq was born on 30th October in 2001 as an en-caul baby. He was my first child so I believed that kids were born like this but when I had my second baby, I was surprised to learn the fact that Aqeeq was rare.
Caroline Turlington says
My second baby boy, born June 16th 2014 was born completely en-caul. It was a very fast delivery, 4cm to fully dilated in about 20 minutes, 2 pushes and he came out completely. My husband saw it and could see all his hair floating about, legs and arms moving about and all the veins throughout the sac. The student midwife completely freaked out and thought he couldn’t breathe! I’m so sad that we didn’t get photos, it was too fast and a mad panic as they didn’t have a bed ready!
My 3rd son was born on 26th Feb 2016 at home. His head came out with the membrane intact and the burst on the second push as his body came out!
With my first son, born 18th October 2001, I remember the midwife saying that I was fully dilated and the membrane wasn’t breaking and told me they’d need to break it so that he would be able to come out. I’m pretty sure he would have been born in the membrane if they had left it. Guess I’ll never know!
My eldest son always lands on his feet and his brothers are both captivating and very perceptive of emotions and seem to know what people need to make them feel better. They are all incredibly articulate and the younger two are very confident and adept at talking to adults, as was my eldest when he was a child!
Sherman Vaughnn says
I was born with a call in 1964 you know I see things before they happen I can see in the future I also see things that I can’t explain what it look like to others it’s a gift a gift from God.
Michell3 says
I too was born with a Caul in March 1964. I have always felt very protected and have always been very spiritual. I’ve seen spirit since I was very young and still maintain my spiritual life, it is me! I count my blessings every day!
Michelle says
I too was born with a Caul on 15 March 1964. I have always felt very protected and have always been very spiritual. I’ve seen spirit since I was very young and still maintain my spiritual life, it is me! I count my blessings every day!
Tj says
Florence Devereux says
Loving reading messages from my fellow caul children, and the parents of! I was born en caul and magically my life partner was born en caul too! Even though its 1 in 80,000 it is said we find our fellow sack babies. So hello my people! The first conversation my partner and I ever had was about being pychic and the gifts and the burdens of this. I had never been able to talk to anyone else (fear that people would think I was self aggrandizing, I am British after all people!) and felt an instant connection and felt it was a clear message from the great mystery that we were meant to explore life together. I work as an astrologer, so have made my ability to see symbols a part of my daily life and I think I have gifts with sound healing (I work with the flute.) I had been visited by dead people, have a very active dream life, and my spiritual/artistic practice is my key focus in my life. I feel very lucky to have been born in the caul and blessed by the sensitivity it may or may not have given me! One love to you and I hope to cross paths with you one day
Genevieve Sullo says
My Grandmother was born with a white veil over her face..such a Amazing woman she was!!..she too could see into the future and tell you what your dreams meant and was always 100% spot on!!!
Melody Johnson says
My 5th baby, my son was born peacefully at home en caul on 2-26-2021
Rita Isham says
I was also born with the veil. I know things. Never about myself. I seem to scare people when I say things then they seem to happen. I’ve been called a witch, I know I am not. I think GOD gives this gift to us to prepare us for things to come. I feel blessed to have this.
Wanda says
I was born with a caul in 1977. I was told about it throughout my childhood but never connected things unexplainable to it until I did research as an adult. I’m definaltly different than most…I just know things at times, can feel things. I would like to connect with others born with a caul since I have never met anyone born with one!
Lexi says
My baby was born en caul in April 2020. Since a few months old we knew he was an old soul. He’s got all the mannerisms of his grandpa. His first word is Pa, and he acts like he’s known his grandfather for decades and decades. It is so special. We also catch him zoning out often and I wonder what he is seeing or thinking of. We’ve had a spiritual/paranormal situation with him as well. Very interesting…
Susan L Cash says
My grandmother was born with a veil over her face. She was known as the seventh child if a seventh child. Very rare. She told my mother my brother would never see his 21st birthday when he was born. He died less than than a month of his 20th birthday. She also told my sister she was having a girl we hen she was pregnant and what to name her. Granny died just 2 weeks before my niece was born. Obviously she was right. I have the same abilities but was not born with the veil. It is a gift from God not something you should charge for. Granny also could divine water . As he also could help heal we called her a Dr lol. She was so special.
Brian says
I just found out right now that someone I know. A great friend of mine who I love to death, her father was born with that gift. It’s truly a phenomenon and regardless of if you have any kind of abilities it truly makes someone so unique, and that’s a gift of its own !
She’s wrap something up for her Dad and he would tell her what it is. It’s really hard for me to understand why I’ve never heard about this before. I know its 1 in 80,000 babies, but it’s still something people should here about. Wow!
Stay safe anyone reading this !
Dawn Hopkins says
I was born in 1960 with a caul over my face. My mom said the doctor had never seen one and it was very special., that i was very special. Although I don’t feel like I have any special powers, I do feel just about everything comes easy to me and it’s as if I am a butterfly waiting to come out of its cocoon. Whatever it is, I hope to make a positive impact on humanity in this life.
Bella Clausen says
I was born encaustic in 2000 and I kinda do not believe I was but I guess I do believe because I have swam across the entire lake siminole underwater
I just wanted to fit in
Bella Clausen
Filber says
Hello friends.
I’m glad to see all the stories shared.
I feel so good now that I met people who were born en caul.
I’m in the mountain kingdom of Lesotho 🇱🇸 . I feel that I have powers i see things before they happen, I always survive danger. I’m protected. I have a loving heart and soul. I’m positive every time though I’m deep thinker. The universe always responds when I manifest and I’m seeking more power to God. I need light and energy develop my country. Thats my dream
Roz says
Born en caul 1957. Am nun.
Linda says
Our daughter Alyssa Renee was born en caul (fully intact in her birth sac) 9 weeks early and weighed only 3-1/2 pounds.
She was in NICU only 5 weeks. She was the smallest, but the strongest baby on the unit. The nurses were all amazed at her progress. She was out in just 5 weeks!!
She is one of the kindest, most caring and selfless people I’ve ever known. She’s extremely artistic and creative and is very spiritual. I believe that she has more gifts than those we’ve seen so far. Her prayers seem to go straight to God’s ears and are answered almost immediately. I believe she has the ability to heal people through prayer and possibly by laying hands on them.
She also has synesthesia (the ability to actually taste foods just by thinking about them.) Not sure if this is related to her en caul birth or not.
She feels what other people feel and very often knows things before they’re going to happen. Our family was involved in a Jeep rollover accident in Silver Lake, Michigan in July of 2018. Thankfully, I was the only one seriously injured. Once I learned that both girls and my husband were okay, I was at peace and knew God had sent his angels to protect them and keep me from becoming paralyzed.
Moments before the accident, she said a prayer and made the sign of the cross because we are Catholic.
This is a quote from Alyssa after it happened that day.
“I felt something bad was going to happen that day but I though it was an off day, when we turned around from the entrance I knew something was going to happen and my seatbelt kept locking, when we were on that hill heading for the last one I needed to fix my seat belt I wanted to fix it but I knew something was going to happen so I didn’t.”
Michelle Dixon says
I was born with a veil February 27,1968, and I know that sometimes when I wake up in the morning and as soon as my feet hit the floor that this day is going to be one that I already dreamed of. I used to be scared , but now I use it to my advantage it’s as though I already came prepared for what was going to happen that day.
Michelle Dixon says
Denise says
I’m fascinated by all of the En caul babies and stories. I was born prematurely with a veil over my head. While I don’t see into the future or have special intuition, I am extremely blessed. Great things happen to me without me trying.
Kathy says
On September 23, 1981, I gave birth to my fourth child. She came three weeks late and she was born with one labour pain that lasted 5 minutes and was born totally encased in the amniotic sac. Her father caught her and we both oohed and aahed at what had just happened. The nurse didn’t believe me when I told her my baby was there and told me to relax and she would go and call my doctor. My husband took a look and started to go out as I told him not to leave because the baby was here. He came back just in time to catch her. It was a beautiful birth, only one pain, 5 minutes of labour and a baby in a sac while I sat up for the birth. The sac was a bluish tint and was only broken when 7 nurses arrived in the room, declaring, a baby in a bag was born and one of the nurses broke the bag to let me see what gender my babe was. My labour nurse came back to all of the action and said she called the doctor. I told her she was too late and with a fourth child that perhaps she should listen to the mother when she says the baby is there. hahahaha! My father in law then told me that she was going to bring us good luck as a baby with a partial caul is considered good luck and our daughter was born completely encased. Five months later, we won $5,000.00 in a Wintario Lotto Draw. It was a draw in Ontario back in those years and was a considerable amount of money for those days. My sweet daughter has been my good luck for her entire life. She brings me wisdom, joy, happiness and love every day of her life. I will never forget this birth, mind you I haven’t forgotten the other 4 births that I had as well. All five of my children were miraculous births producing amazing human beings and have given me nothing but joy for these past 45 years.
Anita Schmidt says
My mother was born completely en-caul in 1939. She often had dreams that became a reality, some good and some bad! In 2004, my daughter was also born completely en-caul. She arrived so quickly and with only the resident doctor and medical students there. They were in awe and had never seen anything like this before. I wish I could have taken pictures but they wouldn’t allow us to take any. Today, she is a bright young lady and so very talented. She too often has dreams that she says are so real that it is like she is there!
Dale says
I was born in castine, maine in 1959. I was born with a vail over my face. The doctor and nurse asked my mother if she wished to keep it. It was told to her that if she keeps it that I would be able to foretell future events. My mother was so scared that she said no thank you. I have had visions from time to time.
Dale says
I was born in castine, maine in 1959. I was born with a vail over my face. The doctor and nurse asked my mother if she wished to keep it. It was told to her that if she keeps it that I would be able to foretell future events. My mother was so scared that she said no thank you. However I have had visions from time to time.
Tj says
Me too! 🙏🏾❤ GOD’S love and peace to you!
Suzanna Murphy says
One of my mirror imaged identical twins where born still in sac
So many where standing back I was wondering what was going on lol and then a few seconds or minutes later not sure how long it was lol as I was still trying to figure out why everyone was stepping back lol then it popped.
Natalie webb says
I’ve been a midwife in the UK for 26 years and seen dozens of babies born in their amniotic sac. It’s not at all rare if women are left to get on with their labour. No interventions. Nothing too special about it really. NOBODY collects stats regarding this, so there is actually no evidence of the incidence.
Erma says
With 2 of my 4 children, they had to break the sack so I could deliver. Would these babies have been born en caul if the doctors had not done that?
Katherine Polanco says
I loved reading this and these comments. My daughter Harmony was born en-caul a day after this article was originally published, I was doing further research on en-caul babies and I clicked on this link. I guess it was meant to be, so many coincidences and synchronicities surrounding my pregnancy and her birthing process, that I am certain that she came with a divine purpose. Harmony’s birth was magical I had her in water and as instructed by my doula I was able to touch and feel the top of her head still within her sac as I was beginning to crown, her sac partially ripped as she made her exit out of me and into this realm. She’s so smart and intuitive it’s amazing to watch her grow. She came to me at the perfect time too. I gave birth to her at 10:07 am on 9/28/2020 exactly on the one-year anniversary of my maternal grandfather’s passing, a year ago on that day I was mourning his loss, and then her timing helped me shift that narrative and made it a happy day. On the day of Harmony’s birth 6 hours and 3 minutes after her birth, my own father transitioned over to the light. He passed away peacefully at home after being under in-home hospice care. What an experience that day was. Life came at me full circle I experienced the greatest joy of becoming a first-time mom and the greatest sadness of losing a beloved parent. Luckily he was able to see Harmony via Video Chat. Harmony was placed on my chest and she did not cry, she had her eyes open watching her dad and I ugly cry with her arm and fist up in the air like the warrior she was meant to be. I know that she’s special in more ways than one. Upon her birth the midwives, her dad, and, I referred to her as our little mermaid, even her first birthday was mermaid-themed, so it was nice to learn that an alternate name for en-caul births is mermaid births, yet another synchronicity! I’m glad I was able to read all of your comments and hopefully one day she too can find her en-caul tribe. Sending love and light to anyone who reads this!
Annie says
I have given birth twice, both en caul births. Both boys and 10 years apart. What is the odds of a woman doing this? I am a Empath, I also am divinely protected and have spiritual gifts as well. I told my sister in law she was going to have a baby and it would be a boy. She laughed and thought I was crazy. So did my mother in law. They both said it won’t and can’t happen. Several doctors told her the chances she would ever have a baby was slim to none. My nephew turned 3 in November. I am almost 47 but people think I’m in my late 20’s. I gave a lot of abilities/gifts god has blessed me with. I can hear people’s negative thoughts towards me. I don’t know if I was an en caul birth. I don’t even know my time of birth. My birth certificate says book no. & page no. instead of time…
Andrew Kniskern says
I was born July 2 1959 as the 300th anniversary baby of Nantucket Mass.I was given gifts galore that I never knew of except for old newspaper clippings.I did not know why I was the way I was(timid and shy) for the first 62 years.But now that I know why,I was given a Gift from God the Father.A gift I would learn about 62 years later. And with quitting alcohols dependencies, my fear and anxiety all gone.God nudged me to look it up.So on the internet what it means to be born with a Veil or a Caul.I was in denial at first, but I cannot deny how I feel new and refreshed.Recovering from 6 years of Clinical Depression and seeing what God can do for you,well than it must be real.God is good!If you want I have more information on what it means to be a Child of God the Father.
Colleen Cresswell says
In 1942 on 31st January, L was born with a caul. My birth was in a public hospital and my mother was given it to keep. She kept it in her dressing table with other treasures. I was a teenager when told about it but by that time the envelope containing it was lost.
I am just turned 80, my life has been fortunately normal and happy and filled with blessings.
Charlotte L. Neal says
My son was born at 1:49 a.m. in 1976 placenta previa. Within 3 minutes, the bag of waters literally burst & splashed against the wall of the delivery room. It was very exciting as the doctor had not arrived. Only my husband and the nurse were present. My husband figured the waters hit the wall about 12 feet away. Certainly there was no need for cleaning up our newborn baby. He was pink & perfect with cherry red lips! His personality is exactly like the early morning he was born!
Selrena says
My mother told me I was born with with veil over my face and I was a special child. I never knew what she meant about it, but all my life I have seen things before it happen and spirit.
I never really told anyone because I thought I was going crazy or people would think I was crazy. And ones I told said I was crazy. My mom died 2008 and told me to find my purpose in life. Now at 46 am on a spiritual level that people don’t understand.
Omg! I am so amazed with all of these comments and how many people experience the same thing. I happy to meet you all. Be bless
Rachel says
My mom always said I was born like an alien in a pod and they had to cut the pod open to get me out, we didn’t know it meant fully en caul until I finally looked it up a few years ago. I don’t understand how it was possible, my mom had gone into a coma so they used forceps to get me out safely as she wasn’t able to push. She could hear and see everything, just didn’t feel the pain anymore and wasn’t scared of the needle they brought to her eye to try to bring her out of the coma. We both lived and I was a nurse favorite, also because of my head of multicolor hair, they called me Rainbow Baby.
I have seen things that have later come true down to very small details, made off-hand comments that came true, though nothing I can force, it just happens at random sometimes for important things and nothings. The only common feature I can think of is a strong connection with that person. Sometimes I’ve just seen something or someone and known they were for me, including my best friend, my dog, and my spouse. It’s felt like the universe has provided signs, and when I’ve listened and followed it led to those things meant for me. People seem to easily share deep secrets, and often talk to me about their hurts, especially mental and sexual abuses. My Meyers-Briggs personality type is INFJ, and I strongly identify with it. I meditate very easily and visually, and have creative talents in singing and writing. I nearly drowned at around 4 years old, and often have dreams of towering waves when highly overwhelmed. My earliest memory is of being on the shore at a small lake, and happiest place is at the beaches of Lake Michigan as I spent most of my life living near the Lakeshore.
My spouse’s cousin has a little one that took to me immediately, I’m less inclined to many children but could tell he is very special and gentle souled. I later found out he was born with a caul, and wonder if there’s something related to the caul in why we connected well.
Tammy says
I was born with a veil in 1961. I have seen things and have stop things from happening don’t get me wrong nothing bad mostly helping. At time not knowing I’m doing it
DC says
I was born with a veil in 1967, I do have warning dreams and dreams that come true. I dreamt that my mother died and she came to say goodbye, the next day I found out she past away that night. I lived a long way away across the ocean from her. Can’t say it’s been lucky for me but maybe it has kept me safe. I only found out I was born with a veil around 5 years ago when my cousin told me, she witnessed my birth.
Adele Leo says
I never knew about encaul births until I went to the labour room to deliver my daughter and the nurse told me my baby is still in the amniotic sac. I asked her if this is ok and she said yesss. I’m very lucky to have witnessed this. Your baby is a miracle baby🙂. Well now she is 3 years old going fir 4 and she is very smart and can pray over anyone at home and they are healed
Mack Royal says
Totally born en caul and I was a daydreaming child. Our family moved often in my childhood. My father became famous as a football coach. I was never interested in sports. I eventually got a Chemistry degree. I learned that quantum physics connects us ALL to the Universe, born in the veil or not! Praying to God or praying to the Universe is actually the same thing. The Universe is God. Okay, so I’ve got a high IQ. That doesn’t make a person automatically have good sense or cleverness. We all have to learn our way in life. Being born is a miracle. Everyone shares the cosmic vibe. Love is the treasure of life. PEACE
Anne says
My one and only daughter born en-caul on Jan 14th 2006. She is definitely an old soul..very wise and very beautiful..💞
Gina Maria says
I have something to add here that may be interesting but oppositely related. My sac ruptured three days before I was delivered. My mother did not know she was in labor. This was in 1985 so medical tech wasn’t wonderful and because of all of this I pretty much died. Was incubated for 3 months. I also though am very intuitive, sensitive to energy in the air and from people. Things move around me a lot, as if my tune attracts other unseen energies. I can feel electricity when a storm is coming or if someone else turns on a TV somewhere far in the house. Reading all of this about the veils was interesting and it now makes me wonder many things about myself. Wonder how it’s connected, because somehow I think it is.
Beaullah says
I too was born en caul in 1983. I have a gift to see people for who they are, see what will happen to them or what happened before. I am an old soul and my friends are usually old people. I know how to heal people with herbs and things but I can’t explain how I know. I see my great grandmother or father in my dreams and they tell me things I need to know. I am an empathy and love nature and people. I also forgive easily and see good in people.
Cheri Cooper says
Beautiful blessing for all !
I was wondering about ? if ,, there’s more born with a vail.??
Maybe one day all should get together ❤.
Help each other. Spirituality
Kelkatsky says
All 5 of my children were born en caul.